Respect Human Rights

Human-Oriented Friendly Workplace

The Company has a mission to create a life community filled with a sense of “accomplishment” and “well-being”, and creation of a human-oriented friendly working environment is critical for the employees to achieve the mission. In the personnel administration, we uphold the principle and attitude of “care and respect” to shape harmonious working atmosphere.Hence, we have established the “Human Rights Policy of Chipbond Technology Corporation” pursuant to the Labor Standards Act and with reference to internationally recognized basic human rights of workers. With this policy, we are committed to the issues such as freedom of choosing occupations, young labor, working hours, remuneration and welfare, humane treatment, non-discrimination, and freedom of association. For these, we have established personnel regulations, systems, and work rules as the standards for management of the personnel.



Human Right Risk Management

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Caring and Support for Foreign Employees

1. Foreign Employee Caring and Support

  • Monthly dormitory inspections are conducted to enhance the living quality of our employees, covering aspects such as safety, hygiene, catering, transportation, and daily life. These inspections aim to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment for our employees.
  • Fire drills are organized every six months in the dormitories. Meanwhile,the training is conducted in the native language of the residents to enhance their knowledge and awareness of fire prevention, emergency response, and evacuation procedures. This initiative is in place to safeguard their lives and property, prioritizing their safety and well-being.
  • Daily cleaning and disinfection of dormitories and transportation vehicles, requiring foreign employees to have their body temperature measured and sanitize their hands with alcohol when entering and leaving work.
  • In 2022, all single rooms were replaced with suite-style dormitories, with a total of 678 employees relocated. Additionally, quarantine rooms were set up in response to the pandemic. Prior to the relocation, an orientation meeting and tour of the new dormitories were conducted to enhance employee engagement and willingness to move. After the relocation, satisfaction surveys and weekly residential care were conducted to ensure a comprehensive improvement in environmental, safety, and hygiene quality.


2. Health Report

  • Vaccination Reporting: Record vaccination administration results to monitor employee vaccination rates.
  • Health Management: Provide care and assistance to employees who experience physical discomfort or illness, and track their health status through daily reports.
  • Special Health Condition Care: Provide care, support, and encouragement to employees who have been diagnosed with illnesses, undergone surgeries, or require medical and lifestyle assistance.


3. Work-Life Balance

  • Initiating monthly interviews with foreign employees to understand their physical and mental well-being in Taiwan and providing assistance is a proactive approach to supporting their overall health. These interviews can serve as a platform for employees to express any concerns, challenges, or needs they may have regarding their well-being.
  • Prayer Room: Providing employees with a dedicated space for prayer or quiet reflection allows them to find solace and nurture their spiritual well-being.
  • Employee Travel: The annual employee travel program offers an opportunity for employees to explore and appreciate the scenic beauty of Taiwan.
  • Dormitory Activities: To promote a balanced body and mind, various activities are organized within the dormitory, including Christmas events, sports activities, and cultural celebrations.