Waste Management

In regard to the waste management of Chipbond, we primarily focus on the waste reduction in the production, then consider the possibility of reuse, and finally perform the treatment or disposal of the waste.In order to take control of the waste flows, we select the supplier for disposing and reusing the waste with great caution, and send the personnel to perform audits occasionally to check on its certificates, document, and on-site operation, so as to ensure that the waste is treated properly to avoid second pollution to the environment.The Company takes the following waste reduction strategies to reduce the impact of the waste on the environment:

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Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recycling

Chipbond continues to review the processes of waste sorting and recycling to achieve the target of energy saving and waste reduction.The waste management at each plant is clearly divided and assigned to the responsible personnel. With a safety-first consideration, the waste liquid is automatically piped and collected to avoid any potential leakage during the manual transportation; all the waste of the Company are disposed externally by a third party under commission.After sorting the solid waste in the source, it is collected and stored in the waste storage according to its type, and then a qualified supplier approved by the Environmental Protection Administration is commissioned to dispose it.The primary consideration for Chipbond to select the waste disposal supplier is legality, and the secondary is the recycling ability. As for the waste treatment, we prefer reusing the waste since it is the most environmental-friendly way, and recycling is the second option; only where the waste cannot be recycled, we choose to perform the intermediate treatment or final disposal in the way of incineration or landfill.

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2022 Implementation Results of Major Projects
  • The Li-Hsin Plant/Kuang-Fu Plant generated 849.331 tons of waste solvent, where in 753.135 tons of CPN and photoresist liquid were recycled by qualified professional service providers under commission. The overall recycle rate of solvent reached up to 88.67% in 2022.
  • By working with applied material service providers, the waste silicon sludge generated from the grinding process water treatment system at the Prosperity Plant/Kuang-Fu Plant was recovered and processed into silica sand mortar and upgraded to recycled materials for high-value products. In 2022, the total recovery volumecumulatively reached up to 185.38 tons.
  • The copper-containing sludge from South 1st Plant is processed by professional and qualified vendors for copper metal recovery, enabling the sustainable recycling of resources. In 2022, total of 397.38 metric tons were successfully recycled.
Overall, in 2022, the total waste generation of Chipbond was 2,834.39 tons, with hazardous waste accounting for 1,603.53 tons, approximately 56.57% of the total. The total waste recovery amounted to 1,720.94 tons, with a hazardous waste recovery rate of 65.3% and an overall waste recovery rate of 60.72%. The waste generation per one billion NTD of revenue was 11.8 tons, representing a decrease of 3.17% compared to the previous year.


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