Belize, a diplomatic ally of Taiwan in Central America, receives annual donations of supplies from National Tsing Hua University's Belize Information Education Service Group for information education and cultural exchange activities. The project aims to cultivate local children's ability to use information tools for learning through information courses and to foster cultural exchange through teaching and interactive processes, thereby building a spirit of mutual assistance between the two nations.

In 2021, due to the pandemic, the volunteer group couldn't travel to Belize. However, they learned that local schools were facing device shortages as they shifted to online teaching due to the pandemic, resulting in learning interruptions for some students. In response, Chipbond Technology supported National Tsing Hua University's volunteer group by donating second-hand laptops through their computer recycling and donation project. The laptops, which exceeded their planned usage duration within the company, were carefully selected, their operating systems updated, and ultimately revitalized. With the assistance of the volunteer group, these rejuvenated laptops are provided to local educational institutions and students in need in Belize.


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