The results of the "8th Corporate Governance Evaluation," jointly organized by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the Taipei Exchange, were announced at the end of April. Chipbond Technology has been continuously reviewing and refining its corporate governance mechanisms, resulting in recognized efforts. For the 8th consecutive time, the company ranks within the top 5% of the Taipei Exchange-listed companies.


The corporate governance evaluation system encompasses four major dimensions: "Protecting Shareholders' Rights and Treating Shareholders Equally," "Strengthening Board Structure and Operations," "Enhancing Information Transparency," and "Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility." In the current evaluation cycle, there were a total of 913 listed companies and 726 Taipei Exchange-listed companies assessed.


Adhering to a strategy of prudent development, Chipbond Technology focuses not only on its core competencies but also keeps a vigilant eye on the tide and trends of sustainability development. The company proactively addresses challenges related to governance, environment, and social issues to promote corporate sustainability.


Video Link: [Watch Online]

(source: Taiwan Stock Exchange Webpro 3.0 Video Broadcasting Network)


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