Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Disasters

Occupational Safety Risk Management

We have established the “ESH Change Management Procedure” to ensure the safety of the working environment. A preliminary review is conducted on the "Environmental and Safety Management Impact Considerations and Risk Identification Assessment Form." The risk level matrix is used to identify items with moderate to high levels of risk, which are then included in the feasibility assessment form for targets/objectives. Based on the criteria of "relevance" and "feasibility," an evaluation is carried out to determine the annual improvement goals.After the improvements are implemented, safety observations are conducted by the occupational safety personnel to reconfirm that the risk levels have decreased to an acceptable level.In addition to routine risk assessments, whenever there are any changes in personnel, equipment, materials, regulations, or the environment within the facility, timely risk identification is still necessary. If required, these changes are incorporated into the environmental and safety assessment improvement plan.


In addition, we encourage employees to be vigilant about their surroundings and prioritize safety while at work. If they identify potential hazards or observe any unreasonable conditions, they are encouraged to report them through channels such as the employee feedback/complaint mailbox, suggesting improvement measures, or notifying their supervisors. By doing so, they can contribute to enhancing workplace safety and suggest improvements for a safer working environment.


In 2022, 223  improvement proposals were raised, wherein 101 proposals involved in improvement of working environment, 46 proposals were related to energy conservation and reduction of waste, and 76 proposals required improvement in the area of occupational safety and environmental protection. An ESH management review meeting is held every year to review the effectiveness, suitability and continuity of the ESH management system.

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To identify the factors that are harmful to the safety or health in the working environment, the Company performs regular environmental monitoring and safety inspection at the workplace and make improvement, repair and maintenance of the parts where hazards may be produced. Warning labels are appropriately attached to the machine or equipment that may be a concern of operation safety. Management regulations have been established to govern the use of chemicals, which are subject to defined handling processes from purchase, storage, use to disposal. The “Safety Data Sheet” is available so that employees using the chemicals can fully understand their characteristics and hazards.For the hazardous operation of solvent and special chemicals and the operation involving ionizing radiation, appropriate PPEs are provided and respiratory protection devices are subject to tightness tests every year. Special items are arranged for annual physical examination to reduce the occurrence of occupational disease.


Educational Training of ESH

The educational training of ESH  is the basis for implementation of the safety and health management system. The Company plans the training depending on the characteristics of the hazards at each plant and arranges personnel to investigate work related safety and health knowledge and technique, such as use of chemicals, operation of dangerous machinery and equipment, safety of equipment, and fire safety management, for planning or related courses, hoping to cultivate safety culture and concept among the employees and reduce the occurrence rate of accidents brought about by unsafe acts.In 2022, our company conducted occupational safety training courses with a total of 4,554 participants. The detailed course names and the number of participants are provided in the right table.


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